August 23, 2021

What Are My Body Sculpting Options?

There are many different body sculpting options available at Park Avenue Medical Spa. Whether you want to focus on the body as a whole or a specific area, there is a treatment for you. We offer non-surgical treatment options to contour your body and provide you with a new look that you can be proud to show off.

couple on the beach

CoolSculpting® Elite

CoolSculpting® Elite is the new-and-improved, dual-action treatment designed to freeze your fat in hard-to-reach areas and contour your body. This treatment has seven applicators to choose from, and it can treat nine different areas of the body, including under the chin and jawline areas, thighs, abdomen and flanks, bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks, and the upper arms. CoolSculpting® Elite is FDA cleared, non-invasive, quick, and effective.


If you suffer from fat under your chin (also known as submental fullness), then KYBELLA® might be the treatment for you. KYBELLA® uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which breaks down the fat in the treated area. Multiple injections may be required, depending on your cosmetic goals. Achieve a slimmer, more sculpted, and youthful chin contour with KYBELLA®.

TightSculpting® With Fotona SP Dynamis

The versatile Fotona SP Dynamis machine has many different uses, and one of the most popular to sculpt the body is TightSculpting®. TightSculpting® uses two laser wavelengths to induce a thermal reaction in the skin, which then destroys the fat and rebuilds collagen. This treatment is a non-invasive fat reduction and skin tightening treatment, and it improves skin thickness, elasticity, and firmness to give you overall body sculpting in the treated area.

These body sculpting treatments are all designed to help you achieve the body contour you desire. Whether you need a little bit of help with those last few inches or you just want a pick-me-up treatment, CoolSculpting® Elite, KYBELLA®, and TightSculpting® with Fotona SP Dynamis may be the solution you have been looking for. Achieve your desired physical appearance and schedule your consultation today!

To learn more about body contouring options, contact Park Avenue Medical Spa today to schedule your consultation. Call 914-344-6245 or fill out our online contact form.