Juvederm before and after pictures reveal why this collection line is the most popular choice for Hyaluronic Acid fillers.
Millions of Americans get facial fillers each year to look younger and more energized without surgery or downtime. And when looking at the before and after pictures, it’s easy to see why. Fillers offer immediate, natural-looking improvements to your skin and take years off your appearance. See for yourself by scanning the Juvederm before and after images at the bottom of this page.
Learn how Dermal Fillers work >>
The Juvederm Collection Line
There are several types of fillers. Juvederm is the top-selling line of Hyaluronic Acid fillers, the most popular type of dermal filler for diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, restoring volume, and augmenting facial features, such as the lips or cheek area.
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The Juvederm collection is stocked with individual fillers uniquely designed to improve specific aesthetic concerns. The collection line includes:
Adds subtle volume around the mouth and nose to smooth out wrinkles and parentheses lines.
Ideal for filling in the parentheses lines and other wrinkles around your mouth and nose.
A popular lip injection that plumps the lips and adds fullness. In addition, JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC can improve moderate to severe parentheses lines.
Augments the cheek area by restoring age related volume loss. Ideal for improving under eye bags.
Augments lips with subtle volume and smoothes the appearance of vertical lip lines for a more youthful look.
Learn more about the Juvederm Collection line >>
Juvederm Before and After*
These Juvederm before and after pictures reveal improvements to fine lines and wrinkles, restored volume to the cheek area, and the plumping of lips and the smoothing of vertical lip lines. As with any medical procedure, results may vary. However, the people depicted in these Juvederm before and after pictures are real patients.*

Juvederm Near Me:
If these Juvederm before and after images have left you convinced of how naturally and effectively Hyaluronic acid fillers can smooth out wrinkles, restore volume, and plump lips, then schedule a complimentary consultation with Park Avenue Medical Spa to find out if Juvederm is right for you. With injections administered by Dr. Anca Tchelebi, Park Avenue Medical Spa specializes in cosmetic injections and is considered the premier provider of Juvederm in Westchester County. With the right Hyaluronic Acid filler, administered by a skilled and experienced physician, Juvederm can be your ideal, anti-aging solution. Call 914-676-8013 or sign up online for a complimentary consultation today.