October 25, 2011

Medical Rolling- What Is It? How Can I Benefit?

Medical rolling, also known as percutaneous collagen induction is an alternative to laser resurfacing. The procedure can achieve similar results to the ablative laser procedures without the same downtime.

It is performed with a roller which has fine protruding needles. These needles will puncture the skin, encouraging the production of collagen and elastin.

The epidermis is a complex, highly specialized organ, about 0.2 mm in thickness. To appear rejuvenated, it needs to be evenly colored, hydrated and smooth.

The first step is proper home care with topicals, such as antioxidants, vitamins C and E, carotenoids, and vitamin A. These alone cannot rebuild adequately lost collagen and elastin.

With the medical rolling technique, the needles will penetrate the epidermis, but will not remove it, so these small punctures will rapidly heal. The skin bleeds only for a few seconds. These punctures, automatically initiate a complex chemical cascade including numerous growth factors alpha and beta, which result in a fibroblastic response. This surge of activity leads to the production of more collagen and elastin by the fibroblasts. Keratinocytes migrate across the epidermal defect and thicken the epidermis.

Five days after this procedure a fibronectin matrix is laid down and along it collagen will be deposited. Tissue remodeling continues for months after the injury and is primarily done by the fibroblast. Collagen type III is gradually replaced by collagen type I.

The procedure restores skin tightness in the early stages of facial aging. The neck, chest, and hands can be successfully treated as any other body part like the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks.

It will diminish wrinkles, improve the appearance of scars, and give white atrophic scars a healthier color. Telangiectasia may be eliminated. The recovery is minimal, and the procedure is a lot less expensive than any surgical, or laser ablative procedure.