February 11, 2021

What Is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a non-surgical way to improve the color, texture, and overall appearance of your skin. If you suffer from acne scars, redness, stretch marks, or unwanted hair, then IPL therapy might be the treatment you are looking for.

women smiling in front of leaves

How It Works!

IPL works by sending multiple light wavelengths to the skin, which improve the appearance of unwanted skin cells, like sunspots, redness, and scars, in the targeted area. The treatment is affordable and effective, making it desirable for people who want to improve the look of their skin. Most patients require more than one treatment to see noticeable improvement; three to five sessions scheduled a few weeks apart may be recommended, depending on the location and the level of treatment needed.

Am I a Candidate?

It is important that you schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Tchelebi at Park Avenue Medical Spa to determine whether you are a candidate for intense pulsed light treatment or not. IPL works best on men and women who have pale or light brown skin and who also experience scarring, spots from the sun or hormonal changes, fine lines and wrinkles, freckles, and unwanted hair. The number of sessions will also be determined during this consultation once your goals have been discussed thoroughly.

Recovery & Results

After your IPL treatment, you may experience a sunburn-like feel for a few days, as well as redness, peeling, and swelling. These effects should dissipate within a few days after treatment. There is no downtime associated with your IPL treatment.

Your results will become the most noticeable in three to six months and will show a more even skin tone and texture and a brighter complexion. IPL treatments will help boost your confidence so that you can show off your new, fresh face to the world.

For more information about intense pulsed light treatments, please fill out our online contact form or call us today at 914-335-3468