October 9, 2024

What to Expect After a Hair Restoration Procedure

Every day, we look over pictures on social media and see men and women with thick manes of white or gray hair, thinking that will be us. However, that isn’t always the case as there’s a 42 percent chance that you’ll lose a lot of your hair when you pass your 50s. Hair loss can happen to men and women alike, although men are more genetically predisposed to it. 

Luckily, you don’t have to be bald for the rest of your life nor do you have to start wearing wigs, if you don’t want to! Nowadays, you can easily opt for a hair restoration procedure at Park Avenue Medical Spa. For a good experience, you should know what to expect from the recovery process and this is exactly what this blog will cover.

What Is Hair Restoration?

Hair restoration is the process of treating hair loss by transplanting healthy follicles in the areas where they have thinned out. The procedure can be chosen by both men and women and can help reduce a receded hairline, hair thinning, or bald spots.

The most common hair restoration methods are follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). While the former transplants full strips of hair, the latter transplants each hair follicle individually. 

FUE tends to be more expensive than FUT, as it requires more precision, and it also has fewer chances of scarring. However, FUT is better for larger transplants, as it can transfer more hair in a single session. A consultation with Dr. Tchelebi will determine which option suits you. 

Stages of Hair Restoration Recovery

No matter if you choose the FUT or FUE hair restoration procedure, you can expect similar recovery and results. Here’s what to look out for: 

1. The Initial Recovery Stage 

The initial recovery stage lasts for about a week or two, depending on the type of hair restoration you choose. You may notice some swelling and discomfort in the donor and the recipient area, and you’ll have to wear a bandage for a few days. 

Within the first week, you can take the bandage off, but that’s when you may notice that the skin is beginning to itch. This is a normal reaction to the healing process, but please make sure to avoid scratching or picking at the scabs. Doing so could end up dislodging the grafts, affecting the transplant’s success. 

2. The Shock Loss Stage

This is where most patients start to freak out—somewhere within two to three weeks after the treatment. Around this time, you may notice that a lot of your hair (the transplanted one) has begun to fall out, causing you to think that the transplant did not work. It’s actually the opposite. 

The process is referred to as “shock loss,” and it’s quite normal after a transplant. Here, your follicles enter a resting phase, which is a “natural” cycle. This is temporary, and you will likely see regrowth within the next few months. 

3. The Hair Regrowth Stage

In the next two to three months, after the shock loss stage has ended, new hairs begin growing from the follicle. Initially, it could look fine and much lighter in color compared to the rest of your hair. However, with time, the strands begin to thicken and match the non-transplanted hair.

Around the sixth month, you may notice that a significant amount of hair has grown from your follicles, but it’s still short. Final results are generally visible after 12 to 18 months, once the hair has enough time to grow.

Be Prepared for Hair Restoration!

Hair restoration can help you get your hair back once it starts thinning out, but it can be a long and tedious wait. You should arm yourself with patience and follow Dr. Anca Tchelebi’s advice for aftercare. Set up an appointment for hair restoration at Park Avenue Medical Spa and get your hair journey started!

For more information about hair restoration and what to expect, contact Park Avenue Medical Spa at 914-730-3333. We can schedule an appointment for you at our Westchester, New York location. You can also write to us via the provided online contact form and we will get in touch with you soon!