Freezing Fat From Park Avenue Medical Spa
Cool Sculpting is touted as the sole FDA-approved fat reduction treatment employing controlled cooling to target unwanted fat bulges. Cool Sculpting’s unique technology profile sets it apart from all other fat-reduction options.
Cool Sculpting Consultation
In order to get started with freezing fat, you need to schedule an appointment with your local Cool Sculpting Westchester County provider, Park Avenue Medical Spa. Cool Sculpting might be a revolutionary and impressive fat-reduction treatment, but it isn’t the perfect treatment for all people. During any complimentary consultation regarding Cool Sculpting, you’ll share your body goals with Dr. Anca Tchelebi, fat reduction specialist at Park Avenue Medical Spa, who will then help determine whether Cool Sculpting is the procedure to get you there. If Freezing fat is the right solution for your situation, then we’ll customize a treatment plan with you so that the plan will make both your body and pocketbook look great post-procedure.
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Preparing for Treatment
Our Cool Sculpting treatments are performed in a cutting-edge facility that’s been built to offer a luxurious experience. Before treatment begins, Dr. Tchelebi chooses the applicator that best suits your body type and marks the site of treatment to ensure accuracy during the procedure. Park Avenue Medical Spa is the premier Cool Sculpting Westchester County provider, which means that we offer the newest line of CoolSculpting applicators, known collectively as the CoolAdvantage Collection. With the treatment site marked and applicator in hand, Dr. Tchelebi places a specially engineered gel pad on the treatment area that protects the skin. This gel pad ensures that the skin remains unharmed and unfrozen during the procedure. The applicator is placed atop the gel pad, and then your technician makes sure that you’re happy and comfortable before beginning the CoolSculpting session.
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During the Treatment
The applicator applies gentle suction to the skin for the duration of a treatment cycle. The suction holds subcutaneous fat cells against the skin’s surface to ensure that they’re subjected to the freezing temperature, while also ensuring that the applicator doesn’t move or shift during treatment. The treatment area is exposed to controlled cooling for anywhere between 35 and 75 minutes, depending on the type of applicator being used.
When the cooling process begins, you might feel chilled at the site of treatment, but this sensation often disappears after a few minutes have passed as the skin becomes numb. Most patients agree that the procedure is easy to tolerate, and many patients say that the procedure is painless and totally comfortable.
Once the cooling cycle is finished, the applicator is removed. The treatment area might retain the shape of the applicator immediately after treatment and have a red hue. The treatment is concluded by manually massaging the area. After this massage, the fat-freezing treatment is done, and patients are free to get right back to their day.
Learn more about Freezing Fat with CoolSculpting >>
After Treatment
After treatment, the lymphatic system will collect the dead, frozen fat cells and remove them from the body. Symptoms associated with immune response are common here, so you might experience minor swelling, bruising, or tenderness where you received the CoolSculpting treatment, but such symptoms are mild and pass quickly. Check out these CoolSculpting before and after pictures to see fat-freezing results.
Coolsculpting Westchester County
The best way to discover how fat freezing can fit into your life is to schedule a free consultation with Park Avenue Medical Spa, the finest CoolSculpting Westchester County provider. Contact us online or call 914-676-8013 to schedule that consultation today!