June 20, 2014

New Study Confirms Benefits of Hairmax Lasercomb


Are you looking for a simple solution to prevent hair loss and reverse the process of aging? Purchasing a HairMax LaserComb may be your best option to restoring your full head of hair.

Low-level laser devices have been used to diminish the effects of hair loss due to androgenic causes (the most common causes for hair loss in both men and women). These combs have been hailed by Time Magazine as an “Invention of the Year” because of their ease of use and effectiveness, even as soon as eight weeks after treatment.

The American Journal of Clinical Dermatology just published the results of a multi-institution, randomized double-blind study showing a clear benefit for all the subjects using the device. The trial included 128 men and 141 women who used a low-level laser comb to treat their entire scalp three times per week for 26 weeks. The study concluded that there was clear improvement in terminal hair density with the laser comb in comparison to the control group. The results were statistically significant.

We have observed the same results in our practice. We do encourage our NeoGraft transplant patients to start the use of the laser comb immediately post op in order to maximize results. Patients noticed reduction in post procedure shed, improved graft retention, and acceleration of the growth cycle.

If you have noticed loss of hair or if you are considering an implant, please call us to discuss the role of the laser comb and to see if you are a candidate.

before and after for hairs
before and after for hair max