May 7, 2022

Reduce Your COVID Chin With KYBELLA®

COVID-19 seems to have taken a toll on all of us. Whether it was just a change to your lifestyle, actually getting COVID-19, or gaining a little bit of weight over the last few months, this pandemic has been a life-changing experience. If most of your fat has accumulated on your face and your double chin makes an appearance in your Zoom calls, then Park Avenue Medical Spa can help. We offer KYBELLA® for the reduction of submental fullness.

a woman wearing mask

How Does KYBELLA® Remove the Fat?

KYBELLA® is an injectable treatment that injects a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid directly into the treatment site. Once injected, the solution will begin to destroy the fat. The exact number of treatments depends on the amount of fat under the chin, as well as what you want your final facial contour to look like. Most patients require four to six treatment sessions spaced one month apart to achieve their ideal look.

An Alternative to Liposuction

Liposuction can be an overwhelming thought and decision to make. KYBELLA® makes it easy! KYBELLA® is non-surgical, FDA approved, and long lasting. While patients may still experience redness, bruising, swelling, or numbness in the target area, it will be much more mild compared to the surgical route if you were to go with liposuction. Another great thing about KYBELLA® is that treatments are quick, and most patients feel back to normal right after, so regular daily activities can be resumed immediately.


Scheduling a consultation with an expert can help determine whether or not you are a candidate for KYBELLA®. If you’ve had enough of hiding your chin or finding the right angle, then call us! Dr. Tchelebi and the Park Avenue Medical Spa team are here to help you put COVID chin in the past! Take the step to a smoother, sleeker jawline and enhance your facial features with KYBELLA®.

For more detailed information about KYBELLA®, please visit our online contact form or call Park Avenue Medical Spa at 914-335-3468 today!