November 3, 2021

Remove Your Double Chin With KYBELLA®

Submental fullness, or double chin, can often make people feel self-conscious. You have the body you desire, the perfect pout, no fine lines, and wrinkles, but that double chin just won’t budge. That’s where KYBELLA® comes in. KYBELLA® is an injectable treatment that can help to create a more sculpted chin contour.

a women checking her face

The Benefits of KYBELLA®

KYBELLA® is an FDA-approved injectable treatment designed to reduce a double chin. It is a non-surgical treatment that can be completed in a quick in-office session. Dr. Tchelebi is expertly trained, and she delivers optimal results with each session. A major benefit of a KYBELLA® treatment is that the results are effective and long-lasting.

How KYBELLA® Works

A topical anesthetic may be applied before your treatment session for total comfort. The injection points will be mapped out in the treatment area, and the substance will be injected into several areas under your chin. KYBELLA® consists of a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which is a substance in your body that breaks down fat. Once injected, the substance will cause the fat cells to slowly be destroyed.

KYBELLA® Results

After your KYBELLA® treatment, you may experience some redness, bruising, swelling, and numbness in the area, but these side effects are minimal and will dissipate quickly. Results are long-lasting because once the fat cells are gone, they are gone for good. Depending on the severity of the double chin, some patients may require multiple treatment sessions, but that will be determined with Dr. Tchelebi during your personal consultation. After about six weeks, patients will be able to enjoy a more sculpted, youthful chin and facial appearance.

Other Injectable Enhancements

At Park Avenue Medical Spa, we offer multiple injectable services so that you can enhance your aesthetic naturally and professionally. We offer injectables like BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal fillers like JUVÉDERM® to meet every need. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Tchelebi to find the perfect injectable treatment for your desires.

Contact Park Avenue Medical Spa today to schedule your KYBELLA® consultation. Call 914-344-6245 or fill out our online contact form.