Age, weight gain, and genetics can all contribute to the appearance of submental fullness or a double chin. Many people feel embarrassed or self-conscious about their double chin, even if they lead a healthy lifestyle and are at their ideal weight. KYBELLA® is an FDA-approved injectable that can be used to treat this aesthetic concern and give you a more youthful and sculpted chin contour.
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Candidates for KYBELLA®

KYBELLA® may be an appropriate non-surgical treatment for your double chin if you are generally healthy, do not smoke, and experience the following:

  • Self-consciousness caused by fatty tissue under your chin
  • Submental fullness that makes you look older or heavier than you are
  • Fat beneath the chin that resists diet and exercise

Benefits of KYBELLA®

  • Non-surgical fat reduction treatment
  • Expertly administered for optimal results
  • FDA-approved to reduce a double chin
  • Quick sessions
  • Long-lasting results in the treatment area
woman with eyes closed to splash of water

KYBELLA® Treatment

KYBELLA® uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which is a substance produced by the human body that helps break down dietary fat. A topical anesthetic may be applied first for your comfort. Injections will then be made at several points under your chin, which usually takes 15 to 20 minutes to complete. The deoxycholic acid will then start to destroy the submental fat cells in the target area.

How many Kybella treatments you need will depend on the amount of fat underneath your chin, as well as your cosmetic goals. The average KYBELLA® patient requires four to six sessions spaced one month apart. Dr. Tchelebi will create a treatment plan for you during your consultation appointment.

Recovery After KYBELLA®

After your treatment, you may experience some redness, bruising, swelling, or numbness in the neck area. These side effects are typically mild and temporary. As with any prescription injectable, there is a risk of other side effects. Dr. Tchelebi will discuss these with you during your consultation.

KYBELLA® Results

Most patients require a series of treatments spaced at least one month apart. Once treatment is complete, the fat cells that were destroyed are gone for good, and subsequent treatments will not be needed. Many patients begin to see results in four to six weeks. Your chin area will appear more sculpted, and the reduction in fullness will make you look more youthful.
before photo of jawline treatmentafter photo of jawline treatment
before photo of jawline treatmentafter photo of jawline treatment

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