BOTOX® is the easiest way to prevent and treat fine lines and wrinkles – the earliest sign of aging. Men’s BOTOX® (sometimes nicknamed “Brotox”) will restore your youthful appearance without feminine rejuvenation.
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What Is BOTOX® for Men?

BOTOX® is a botulinum toxin injectable, also known as a neuromodulator. Botulinum toxin type A temporarily blocks nerve signals to the facial muscles, weakening them and preventing contractions. When the muscles cannot contract, wrinkling and creasing on the overlying skin is prevented. BOTOX® is often used to treat glabellar lines (frown lines) between the brows, forehead lines, crow’s feet on the corners of the eyes, bunny lines on the nose, and other fine lines caused by repeated facial movements.

BOTOX® can also be injected along the jawline to treat migraine headaches and TMJ syndrome caused by painful jaw clenching and teeth grinding. BOTOX® injections along the jawline can also slim the lower face, creating a stronger, more chiseled jawline which enhances the masculine appearance. Additionally, BOTOX® is an effective treatment for hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). BOTOX® can be injected into the armpits or palms of the hands to prevent excess sweat and the embarrassing odor that results from it.

BOTOX® Benefits

BOTOX® is FDA-approved for crow’s feet, frown lines, and other types of dynamic wrinkles caused by repeated facial expressions. It can be used as a preventative wrinkle treatment or treatment for existing wrinkles. BOTOX® also has the unique benefit of being used for cosmetic or medical purposes.

Who Is a Candidate?

Most healthy adult men concerned with early signs of aging and cosmetic concerns like sweating can benefit from BOTOX®. Good candidates should not have an allergy to botulinum toxin or a history of bleeding problems. It’s also important to consider that BOTOX® is intended to treat dynamic wrinkles on the mid and upper face. Deeper facial wrinkles can be treated with dermal fillers in combination with BOTOX® or as a separate treatment.

The BOTOX® Treatment

BOTOX® cosmetic injectable treatment is quick and painless. A topical numbing cream will be applied to the treatment area(s) to ensure your comfort during the injections. A fine needle will be used to inject the BOTOX® formula into various points in the area of concern. The entire treatment takes 30 minutes or less and can be easily completed during your lunch hour or in between errands.

Additional Cosmetic Procedures for Men

We offer a variety of facial rejuvenation procedures tailored to the male aesthetic. Ask about these procedures and more at your consultation:
  • Dermal Fillers
  • PDO Thread Lift
  • CoolSculpting®
  • RF Microneedling
  • Photorejuvenation

Recovery and Results

Minimal downtime is needed after BOTOX® treatment, but strenuous activity should be avoided for 24 hours. If you work a labor-intensive job, you will need to take the rest of the day off. Mild swelling, bruising, and tenderness around the injection site are common symptoms but will improve within one week. Immediate improvements can be seen after receiving BOTOX®, but your results will continue to develop for 1-2 weeks. Results last an average of 3-4 months and can be maintained with regular treatments.

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