RF microneedling is a skin rejuvenation treatment that can target a variety of skin concerns to restore healthy, vibrant, and youthful skin. At our office, men’s facial treatments with RF microneedling can accentuate facial features and enhance a more youthful appearance with feminization.
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What Is RF Microneedling for Men?

RF microneedling combines collagen induction therapy with radiofrequency energy to target the skin at various depths. The microneedling device uses tiny, sterile needles to puncture the skin’s surface and create microchannels. This stimulates the body’s natural healing process and the production of new collagen. Collagen and elastin production slows down as we age so this treatment is especially effective for combating effects of aging like wrinkles and sagging skin. New collagen and healthy skin also resurface the skin, essentially covering up skin blemishes and imperfections. while smoothing rough skin texture.

As the microneedles puncture the skin, RF energy emits heat into the deep skin layers, adding to collagen stimulation and tissue remodeling. As new collagen and connective tissues develop, the skin is tightened and lifted for an added anti-aging effect. Microneedling can be performed on the face, neck, chest, and other areas of the body for complete facial and body rejuvenation.

RF Microneedling Benefits

RF microneedling is an innovative non-surgical treatment that simultaneously targets surface imperfections and deeper signs of aging. Rough skin texture, acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, loose skin, and more are all treated during the microneedling treatment. Healthy skin with a smoother texture gives men a more youthful appearance that radiates confidence in all aspects of their life!

Who Is a Candidate?

RF microneedling is safe for all skin types and skin tones. Ideal candidates are healthy men without current skin infections, acne breakouts, or open wounds in the treatment area. If you are bothered by mild to moderate signs of aging or other cosmetic concerns, schedule a consultation at our office. Dr. Tchelebi will examine your skin and discuss your medical history to make sure RF microneedling is right for you.

RF Microneedling Treatment

To help you feel comfortable during treatment, we will first apply a topical numbing cream to your skin. The microneedling device will be gently moved over your skin and the tiny needles will create punctures in the surface. Patients often feel a warming sensation from the radiofrequency energy, but treatment is not considered painful. The microneedling procedure takes about one hour, but time varies depending on the size of the treatment area.

Additional Cosmetic Procedures for Men

We offer a variety of facial rejuvenation procedures tailored to the male aesthetic. Ask about these procedures and more at your consultation:
  • BOTOX®
  • PDO Thread Lift
  • CoolSculpting®
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Photorejuvenation

Recovery and Results

There is minimal recovery and downtime after RF microneedling treatments. Patients can resume most normal activities immediately but if you work a labor-intensive job, we may recommend that you take 1-2 days off. Direct sun exposure should also be avoided for the first few days after treatment to minimize swelling and discomfort.

Patients can expect to see some immediate improvements in their skin health but complete results will develop gradually for a few months as collagen production restructures and tightens the skin. For optimal results, a series of treatments scheduled a few weeks apart is often recommended.

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