Chemical Peels
Chemical peels are used to remove outer layers of your skin that have been damaged. This process stimulates the production of collagen and the growth of new blood vessels. A chemical peel can also act directly on the dermis (deeper layer of the skin).The benefits of peels were first seen by Egyptian women who noticed that the byproducts of grapes improved their skin due to their tartaric acid. They also noticed that milk baths made their skin softer because of the lactic acid. In the Antilles islands, women noticed that products obtained from sugarcane softened their skin, which was a result of glycolic acid.
Our medical-grade peels will eliminate layers of dull, old skin cells and stimulate circulation and the production of healthy new cells. Chemical peels can restore a healthier, more youthful complexion, whether they are used alone or in conjunction with other rejuvenation treatments.
Am I a Candidate for a Chemical Peel Treatment?
Am I a Candidate for a Chemical Peel Treatment?
How Does the Treatment Work?

Intermediate peels primarily use trichloroacetic acid (TCA). These peels will improve deeper wrinkles, reduce actinic keratoses (precancerous lesions), and improve the skin’s overall tone.
Deep peels, such as TCA 40% and phenol peels, cause dramatic results by practically liquefying the epidermis and strongly stimulating the dermis. The skin becomes very smooth, and deep wrinkles are diminished.
The Procedure
Your skin will be cleansed and prepared for the chemical peel according to the selected depth of peel. The formula will be applied to your skin and left for a predetermined length of time. You may feel a slight tingling (superficial and intermediate peels) or burning (deep peel) sensation as the peel penetrates the skin. Some chemicals are self-neutralizing, but others will need to be neutralized with another substance.
Chemical Peels Offered by Park Avenue Medical Spa
Chemical Peels Offered by Park Avenue Medical Spa
The length of your recovery will depend on the depth of your peel. After a superficial peel, you should be able to return to your regular activities immediately. After an intermediate or deep peel, there will be a more extensive recovery period. After a deep peel, your skin may crust and scab over. The skin may also be pink for up to a few weeks, depending on the type of peel used. Dr. Tchelebi will give you post-treatment instructions that should be followed closely to ensure that your skin heals properly.