October 7, 2022

Does Sculptra® Aesthetic Really Work for a Butt Lift?

A small, flat backside that doesn’t fill out shorts, dresses, or bathing suits is a woman’s nightmare (sometimes). Always wondering what people are thinking as you walk by or turn sideways is no way to live. At Park Avenue Medical Spa, we offer Sculptra® Aesthetic, the dermal filler, for a butt lift! This treatment is quick, dependable, and provides long-lasting booty enhancement results without having to undergo surgery or even go to the gym!

What Is Sculptra® Aesthetic?

Sculptra® Aesthetic is a unique injectable filler that subtly improves the appearance of creases and hollows over time for natural-looking rejuvenation. This filler contains poly-L-lactic acid to increase collagen (a protein in the body that helps keep the skin firm, plump, and youthful) and strengthen the natural structure of the skin. Sculptra® Aesthetic is FDA approved and can be used to treat the buttocks and hollowed sunken areas of the face (cheeks, temples, chin, smile lines, etc.).

The Amazing Benefits of Sculptra® Aesthetic

This dermal filler is a one-of-a-kind enhancement treatment that offers many amazing benefits and results.

  • No downtime
  • Minimally invasive
  • Alternative to surgery
  • Provides lasting results
  • Stimulates collagen production over time

When Will I See Results?

There is no downtime associated with Sculptra® Aesthetic butt lift; however, potential side effects after your Sculptra® Aesthetic butt lift could include bruising, asymmetry, and the development of nodules under the skin. Unlike other hyaluronic acid-based injectable fillers, Sculptra® Aesthetic lasts two to three years as this treatment stimulates collagen production and increases over time due to the nature of the poly-L-lactic acid. With the Sculptra® Aesthetic non-surgical butt lift, you can look forward to experiencing amazing, noticeable results. Repeat treatments may be necessary if you wish to keep the same booty contour.

How Do I Know if I Qualify?

A consultation with Dr. Tchelebi at Park Avenue Medical Spa will be necessary to determine if you are, in fact, a candidate for Sculptra® Aesthetic non-surgical butt lift. Typically, ideal candidates are in good general health, have realistic expectations of their results, and are at a stable weight and can maintain that weight. Dr. Tchelebi will examine your body and review your health history to ensure that this treatment is suitable for you and your needs at this time. Schedule your consultation today!

To learn more about Sculptra® Aesthetic butt lift and to schedule a consultation, please contact us online or call Park Avenue Medical Spa at 914-266-3539.